Contact & Directions
168 Darville Rd WOODGATE QLD 4660
Camp Reservations
Daily from 9am to 5pm
Phone Camp Caretaker on
0499 728 800
All other enquiries
Postal Address: PO Box 599 WOODGATE QLD 4660
If you are heading up to Camp Gregory – do NOT use google maps or a GPS device.
Look up the map online then follow the roads the ‘old fashion way’. If you must use a GPS the closest you will get is intersection of Heidkes and Darville roads and then follow the signs.
- From the Woodgate turn off on Goodwood Rd, Thabeban, QLD 4670
- Take turn toward Woodgate – Woodgate Rd – GOODWOOD STATE SCHOOL is on the corner.
- Travel 10km Take turn onto Heidkes Rd
- Travel 6.4km — take turn onto Darville Rd
- Follow the signs until you get to camp!